Mixed Meat & Veggie Spaghetti!!

Hey Woofa’s,

This week I went through the freezer and found left over Beef Sizzle Steaks that we weren’t going to eat.  So I decided to add those to Billy’s recipe.

A rough estimation of cost:

1 pack of chicken breast fillets – $9.51

1 pack of Beef Sizzle Steaks – $8.55

1 zucchini   – $0.50 (estimated)

2 carrots – $0.50 (estimated)

1-2 cups pasta – $1.00 (estimated pack cost $3.00)

Total – $19.06

Out of this I bagged roughly 7 dinners for Billy.  We also add dry food to his Interactive Treat Ball.  For his Dry Food we get Meals for Mutts Salmon and Sardine Flavour 15kg for $145.00.  This lasts us at least 6 months.

Total Cost per meal – $2.72 (rounded up).

Cost will vary on portion sizes which are determined by the size of your dog!


recipe for Mixed Meat & Veggie Spaghetti


PLEASE NOTE – if your dog is not use to raw meat, make sure all the meat in the recipe is cooked.


Billy’s Rating out of 5 paws- 

Black cartoon dog pawBlack cartoon dog pawBlack cartoon dog pawBlack cartoon dog paw





Billy and I would love to hear whether your fur kids liked this recipe as well!  Drop us a comment in the section below!


Bon Apetit

Signature of Janine and Billy at Woofalicious Tales

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