Pulled Chicken With Veggies & Rice!

Hey Woofa’s,

Last week Billy wasn’t eating his food as eagerly as he usually does.  I think it was to do with the change in season.  Our evenings are lighter for longer and Billy normally gets fed just on sunset.

Dean suggested we get Billy some Chicken.

This is where this week’s Recipe comes from, me deciding what to cook for Billy.

A rough estimation of cost!

1 pack x 2 Chicken Breast – $12.00

3 X Carrots – $1.00 (estimated, bought in a bag)

2 x Zucchini – $0.50 (estimated, bought in a pack)

3 x Sweet Potato – $0.50 (estimated, bought in a pack)

1 cup Brown Rice  – $0.40 (estimated, bought in a bag)

1 x tablespoon of coconut cooking oil – $0.05 (estimated, bought in a jar)

Total – $14.45

This meal will last Billy for roughly 5 days.

Total Cost per meal – $2.90 (rounded up).

We also add dry food to his Interactive Treat Ball.

For his Dry Food we get Meals for Mutts Salmon and Sardine Flavour 15kg for $145.00.  This lasts us at least 12 months.  $12.00 per month

Cost will vary on portion sizes which are determined by the size of your dog!




Home made dog food recipe of Pulled Chicken with Veggies and Rice




PLEASE NOTE – if your dog is not use to eating cooked meat, make sure you introduce your dog to eating cooked meat slowly bit by bit over a week.

I usually don’t cook Billy’s meat but with Chicken Breast, for some reason, I prefer to.

It comes down to what works for you and your dog.

Billy’s Rating 3.5 out of 5 paws 

Black cartoon dog pawBlack cartoon dog pawBlack cartoon dog pawBlack cartoon dog paw






In The Comments Below – Billy Would Love To Know –  Whether your fur kids liked this recipe?

Bon Apetit

Signature of Janine and Billy at Woofalicious Tales

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