Is Your Christmas Tree Dog Safe?

Hey Woofa’s,

It’s that time of year where we bring a tree (whether real or artificial) into our homes and decorate it with ornaments, tinsel and lights.

And then we tell our dogs to stay away from it!!! WTF??

Christmas trees can be very attractive and irresistible to dogs of any age.

I have one in my Dog Grooming Salon and yes there has been some incidents!!!

I’ve had a puppy Labrador go right for one of the baubles, but thankfully we got to her in time so that the whole tree didn’t come down.

Another dog did a bit of a wee on my tree skirt and some dogs’ tails knock off the baubles at the bottom!!!

Given how many dogs come through the salon while the tree is up, the incidents are minimal!  Thankfully!

It is doable, you can have a Dog Safe Christmas Tree!



We bought a new Christmas Tree this year, a white one.  I also bought a tree skirt which is something I’ve not had before either.

As you can see in the featured picture, Billy has taken a liking to it!  There’s no problem he just sits on it.

I think it’s because it’s faux fur and it feels nice to sit on.  He’s not bothering the tree or knocking it over so we let him sit there.

However, with some dogs it can be very stressful even thinking about putting up a tree for Christmas.

Here’s some things to consider –

  1. Whether it’s real or artificial – decide where it’s going BEFORE you put it up;
  2. Will your tree be on the ground or up high on a cabinet or table;
  3. If on the ground, are you able to put a barricade around the tree, to stop your dog going close to it;
  4. Put your tree up without the decorations and let your dog have a sniff around it, to suss it out;
  5. Once your tree is decorated, stay with it and your dog to get an idea of how interested your dog is in the tree;
  6. Try some non-harmful pet deterrent spray to spray around the bottom of the Christmas tree to deter your dog from lifting their leg on it;
  7. You may have to keep your dog on a lead (not their walking lead as this will get them excited) while inside by the tree, if they show too much interest in the tree – teach them the leave it command;
  8. If you have a puppy, it will be best to put a barricade around your tree (as you would to stop toddlers from going near the tree) altogether.  Or put it up high so they can’t have access to it;
  9. Don’t leave any tempting presents under the tree – i.e. ones with food/chocolate in them;
  10. Make sure everyone in the household is on the same page about keeping the dog away from the tree.


These are just a few things to consider in order to have a dog safe Christmas tree.

Only you know your dog and where you’re putting your Christmas tree, so make sure it’s safe for everyone.



Christmas trees can be irresistible to dogs!

Is it fair to go off at them when we’re the ones who bring a tree inside and decorate it with dangling things??

No one wants to come home to a Christmas tree that’s been destroyed by their dog.

There are ways to have a dog safe Christmas tree, just take into account your dog’s behaviour and where you’re putting your tree.




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