How To Include Your Dog In Easter Celebrations!

Hey Woofa’s,


Sometimes it feels like the year is going along nicely, and then WHAMO a holiday is here!!

With it being Easter already it feels like the year is starting to go fast!!

Whether you celebrate Easter or not, or just use it as a time to gather with family and friends, I always think it’s important to include our dogs.

I mean, why not?  They are our furry family members after all!



  1. Make sure you have some dog friendly chocolate or easter eggs on hand;
  2. Buy your dog some Easter treats from the local pet store;
  3. Include your dog in the Easter egg hunt (after the kids have found all theirs);
  4. Dress your dog up (if they’re okay with it) for some fun Easter pics;
  5. If you’re having everyone over make sure your dog has a safe place to escape to;
  6. If you’re taking your dog with you while visiting, check to make sure it’s okay with the owner of the house.
  7. While out make sure your dog has some of their own toys & treats;
  8. Take your dog out to a dog friendly cafe for an Easter lunch;
  9. Stay at home with your dog and just BE;
  10. Binge watch your favourite show while munching on your Easter eggs and your dog having their dog friendly chocolate eggs;
  11. Take your dog for a nice morning or evening walk watching the sunrise or sunset;
  12. Have a big playing session with your dog;
  13. Watch lots of movies;
  14. Take your dog to the beach/park/on a play date.


You get the idea.  Enjoy doing what you want for Easter, just include your dog as much as possible.

The most important thing is that we’re all safe and having fun.



Here are some things to consider BEFORE including your dog in your Easter Celebrations.

1. Chocolate! 

Easter is all about the chocolate, am I right?

Well, our human chocolate is not good for dogs!

HOWEVER, there are chocolates that are dog friendly.

All you have to do is either go to your local Pet Store OR Google – Easter Eggs For Dogs and you can find what you like for your dog online!

Just make sure whatever chocolate treat you buy your dog it is marked – DOG FRIENDLY!


2. The Easter Egg Hunt!

We all love a good Easter Egg Hunt.

Running around the yard looking for Easter eggs, trying to get more than anyone else!

Well, why not let your dog join in the fun?

If you have kids, let them do theirs first, then you can make sure none of their eggs are left before putting your dog’s (dog friendly) Easter eggs out.

You don’t want your dog eating human grade chocolate of any kind.

Let your dog sniff one of their dog friendly Easter eggs and then off they go to find more.

It’s not only fun and rewarding for your dog but mentally stimulating as well.


3. Dressing Your Dog Up For Easter!

I like seeing dogs in cute bunny ears, I must admit.

However, only for the Easter pic and then take them off.

Some dogs just don’t like being dressed up.

Billy isn’t a fan of the Bunny ears, so as soon as the pics are done off come the ears.

Be aware of your dog’s body language, if they don’t like having their cute Easter outfit on, take it off.

Place Easter ornaments and props around them while they sit or lay down but don’t force them to wear stuff that they are not use to.


4. What to Buy Your Dog For Easter?

Again all you have to do is google – Easter gifts for Dogs and so much stuff comes up on-line.

There’s stuff like – toys, doggy Easter eggs, doggy Easter treats, doggy outfits, bandanas, it really comes down to what your dog likes.

I thought I had plenty of time, so we went to the local pet store to buy Billy his Easter eggs, only to find them sold out :O

So I ended up getting him doggy biscuits in the shape of hot cross buns!

If you want to buy something for someone else’s dog, put together a little Easter Basket for them.


5. Easter Gatherings!

We’re having Easter Sunday at Dean’s parents this year and Billy always comes with us because it’s a small group of people.

Most importantly he’s been there plenty of times before.

Whether you’re having the Easter gathering at your house or going to someone else’s house, it’s important to be aware of your dog’s needs.

If your dog isn’t use to being surrounded by people and you’ve got guests coming over, make sure your dog has a safe place to go, away from people.

Make sure your guests know NOT to give your dog any chocolate.

When there are kids around, make sure they know your dog’s limitations – no ear or tail pulling, no giving the dog Easter eggs.

If the dog is trying to get away from the kids let the dog go etc.

If you are going and leaving your dog make sure they have everything they need to be safe and comfortable.


6. Easter Food!

Dogs love food!  People eat lots of food and chocolate over Easter.

Dogs like to give those puppy dog eyes which makes people feel sorry for them and give them whatever it is they are eating.

You don’t want your dog overeating this Easter.

Why not make them an Easter meal made up of their favourite food and allow them some dog friendly Easter eggs?


From our family to yours – Have a Happy Easter!



No matter what your circumstance is this Easter, make sure to remember to have fun with your dog and stay safe.




Signature of Janine and Billy at Woofalicious Tales

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