Dog Life Stages!

Hey Woofa’s,

There are generally four life stages that your fur baby will go through.

Puppy Stage – 0- 2years

Adolescent Stage – 2-3 years

Adult Stage – 3-8 years

Senior Stage 8 years onwards.


Throughout each stage you will notice changes in your fur baby as they grow.

Through each stage their food and nutritional needs will change as will their behaviour.

It’s important to be aware of each stage so you can be patient with where your dog is at.

Click on each stage.


Puppy stage


Adolescent Stage


Adult Stage


Senior Stage


We hope you found Dog Life Stages helpful.

If you have any questions or advice to share, Billy and I would love to hear from you!

Drop us an e-mail in SNIFF ME (click the link or see above menu).

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Signature of Janine and Billy at Woofalicious Tales